Sunday, October 3, 2010

Connections to Ireland

It's nearly two hours flying from Missoula to Denver; more than three from Denver to Newark. And when the folks sitting next to you on the plane find out where you're going, they all have and Irish tale to tell you. While we were getting off the plane in Denver, a gray haired man with a beard told John his story about flying into Shannon, on the west coast, and touring the island. It was that in Missoula as well. Everyone seems to have a connection to Ireland

I recently found out that my great-great-grandparents were born in Belfast before making their way to the states. So maybe it's that connection that got us interested in this project 13 years ago and why we're hear now to catch-up with these folks.

(The photo is the rear view of Hillsborough Castle & Gardens near where we're staying.)

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